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Furniture Tips Proper Care And Maintenance

Expert Furniture Cleaning Tips and Ideas In Centreville, VA

When it comes to house cleaning, it’s very easy to keep dust off the counters and keep the floor clean. These are the easy parts of house cleaning but the hard parts come with having to make sure that your furniture is clean as well. Furniture cleaning is a lot of work but most people don’t realize it. It’s probably either because they aren’t doing things right, or they aren’t doing it at all.

Most people tend to skip out on furniture cleaning because they don’t think it is necessary. However, dirty furniture could lead to mold and bacteria development because of all the sweat and moisture they absorb. It also goes without saying that furniture can become smelly if it’s left uncleaned for a really long time.

Furniture cleaning is not as easy as it sounds. While it is easy taking out the stains and external dirt from a couch or any other furniture, it’s more difficult to give it a deep clean. A deep clean means giving your furniture the sanitation it needs, as well as removing all foul odors. If you are having a tough time doing this, then here are a few tips you may want to consider.

Protecting Furniture From Pets

Cats and dogs are great to have around inside the house as they help relieve stress. However, if they consistently claw at your furniture, they’ll only cause even more stress. This is one of the problems most homeowners have when owning pets. Pets that aren’t properly trained can ruin your furniture in a short manner of time.

Pets – most particularly cats, are prone to using furniture like couches and wooden furniture as scratch posts. You aren’t always there to prevent your pets from using furniture as a scratch post but there are other things you can do to stop them from ruining it. The first thing of course is to simply have them groomed regularly so that their nails aren’t sharp or long enough to ruin any type of furniture.

For cats, you should consider investing on a scratching post. These are cheap toys for cats. Once you have this inside your home, you can bet that they’ll never think about clawing at your furniture ever again. Of course, it’s going to keep them entertained. It also keeps them healthy as it is a form of exercise on their end.

Best Cleaning Liquid For Furniture

A lot of people think that detergent and bleach is a good cleaning agent for furniture. These are great when it comes to riding the furniture of all the bacteria inside but they may be too much for your furniture to handle. Worse case scenario, they could cause serious discoloration for your furniture which is one of the last things you want.

The best cleaning liquid for furniture will always be a mixture of mild dish soap and water. Basically use this on a damp cloth and wipe it on all of your furniture thoroughly. While it doesn’t give your furniture the deep clean it deserves, the mixture does kill off some of the bacteria and contaminants that are on the surface.

On top of that, the mixture will also not cause any harm to your furniture. There will be no discoloration or tatters what so ever. The mixture can also be used for leather furniture cleaning as it is only a mild dish soap so it doesn’t ruin the material whatsoever.

Polish Every Once In A While

As your wooden furniture ages, one of the problems it faces is that the polish will begin to wear off. This is more common if you clean your wooden furniture regularly. As such, it is a must that you repolish your furniture every month or so. It may be bothersome but it can help increase the longevity of your furniture significantly.

Polishing does a ton for your furniture. For starters, it helps give your wooden furniture a new shiny coat making it look fresh and new. Another benefit is that it gives your furniture an extra layer of protection which can also extend its lifespan. Remember that polish degrades over time so make sure to do it regularly.

Protect Your Furniture From Hot And Cold Diningware

Most people forget just how much damage dining ware can do to furniture. For instance, a glass of cold water on a wooden furniture can cause serious damage if placed for prolonged periods without a coaster. Buying coasters made from corks will be a good way to absorb all the moisture that comes out of cool drinks placed on top of furniture.

For hot plates or other hot diningware, you can either use a trivet or a potholder. Simply place this on top of your furniture before you bring down your hot diningware so the heat can’t go directly to the furniture, Extreme heat and moisture can cause wooden furniture to warp and deform. It can also cause leather furniture to shrink so make sure to avoid placing your dining ware just about anywhere you choose to.

Avoid Exposure From The Sun

Believe it or not, sunlight also causes serious problems for wooden furniture and other types of furniture, As such, you should do your best to avoid placing your furniture near windows or basically just about anywhere where the sunlight passes through. While it doesn’t make your furniture dirty, it does ruin it in some other way.

For starters, sunlight can cause serious fading issues in wooden furniture. It can also make the polish wear off much quicker. It’s best to place your furniture outside the range of the sunlight if you want it to last longer. If it can’t be helped, make sure to bring the curtains down during really hot days.

Do Not Place Cookware Underneath Wooden Cabinets

There is a lot of furniture in the kitchen that you need to protect. Your cabinets and drawers for instance, are often exposed to heat and steam. As we’ve said, these can cause serious warping issues which are not only annoying to the eyes as they are also dangerous because your cabinets could break suddenly because of it.

As much as possible, don’t put anything that produces steam under your cabinets or your pantry. This includes your stove, your coffee maker machine, and even an automatic kettle. The steam these items produce go up and could directly hit your cabinets. It can also cause the insides of your cabinets to moisten up and become wet.

Once this happens, you can expect mold to develop over time as well. You’d want to either get an exhaust fan inside your kitchen so that it can absorb all of the steam. Alternatively, just place your cooking appliances a few inches away from your cabinets to avoid having the steam go through them.

Don’t Forget The Crevices

You might be tempted to clean the surface of your furniture again and again but one thing most homeowners forget to do is to clean the crevices. The corner pockets of your couch, the underside of your table – these are all prone to getting dirty too. Part of furniture cleaning involves cleaning these places as well.

Don’t forget to draw your attention to these as dirt and dust can build up underneath overtime. For these, you’d want to try using a vacuum to ensure that every inch of your furniture remains spotless. It might be more work on your end but it does mean a deeper clean for your furniture too.

The furniture inside your house should last for over a decade and not just a few years. Keep in mind that these are long-term investments for your home. If you want them to last as long as possible, then you should focus on making sure that they are properly maintained and cleaned regularly so that their lifespan increases significantly.

Call For Help

One of the first things you should do when a task becomes too daunting is to basically call on the professionals for help. Furniture cleaning services are capable of giving your wooden and other furniture the deep clean it needs to remove all bacteria and odor residing within it. While the service isn’t in anyway free of charge, it’s well worth it still

Professional furniture cleaners use an assortment of tools and techniques to give your furniture the deep clean it needs. When it comes to cleaning services like this,  you don’t have to schedule it daily. In fact,  such services need only to be available at least once a month. Even with the toughest stains, they can have your furniture cleaned in less than a day.

Professional furniture cleaners value your time and security greatly. As such, they promise a deeper clean unlike any other. If you want to see results, they are the people you turn to in emergency cases. If you’re having visitors the next day for instance, it’ll be wise to call these professionals immediately.

Get in touch with us for your free estimates and appointments. Feel free to call us now or visit us on Yelp!

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